PinnedBlockchain and informatization of the public sector.The dynamics of informatization in the public sector is indeed higher than in the corporate sector. I would even classify the…Feb 4, 2022Feb 4, 2022
PinnedResults of 2021In 2021, the IT companies that were able to pre-optimize their resources for potential projects were successful. I’m talking about…Feb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022
What is the structure of Commintex company?All divisions of the company are divided into main, auxiliary and administrative.Feb 6, 2022Feb 6, 2022
System integration and banking infrastructureVery often, the bank’s IT infrastructure is presented to top management as a kind of “black box”, a thing in itself. Its development is…Feb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022
Through sustainable links to renewable investment and community expansionInvesting in scientific projectsFeb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022
International Committees for Standardization and Technology IntegrationCommintex Group plans to participate in international committees for technology standardization and research integration, in particular, in…Feb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022